Sunday, May 29, 2011

Support Raising Recap

Hello from Thailand!! 
I am amazed to be here on the other side of the world; Khon Kaen is a beautiful city and we have already experienced so much in just 3 short days! I am so excited to share with you about our ministry work and the all adventures along the way. But I would also like to give a quick recap on my support raising journey throughout the 8 months before our departure. 

First of all, thank you for your prayers and support thus far, the Lord faithfully provided all of the funds needed for our entire CCP team to go on the trip!! Amazing. When I first started raising support, I was thrilled to have an eager response from my close friends and family, but $6,000 still seemed like a daunting amount. By late February I had about $2000 but our leader asked us to have at least half of our total support by Spring Break. (March 11) So I began to doubt. Where would this money come from? Am I really supposed to go? Does the Lord still want me to go this summer? How can I possibly raise this money? Throughout these times of doubt God showed me that He is greater. He had a plan all along and He was going to provide in ways that I could not even begin to think of. In early March, I decided to call my Grandpapa for some "support raising" advice :)  Grandpapa & Grandmama both gave some very encouraging words of wisdom and lifted my spirits to push on with the process. Grandpapa told me "the support is out there, God has already provided it, now you just have to discover it!" Well my Grandparents also contributed by sending out an email of my support letter to over 300 of their personal friends and supporters. This small step turned out to be a huge blessing. As the week continued I received more and more checks. Donations from people I didn't even know! By March 11th, I had exactly $3,000. I felt so blessed!! God was giving me the "green light"! What a clear answer from Him that it was His will for me to spend the summer in Thailand. Throughout the next month, the Lord kept providing. Through friends, family, and the blessings from my Grandparents' email. By the last week in April ALL of the support was officially raised!! It is so incredible to look back at the ways He met the needs of our entire team. Praise Him! 

To my faithful supporters, THANK YOU. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generosity, your love,  your encouragement, and your prayers. I was truly blown away by the generosity and support. It was a humbling and amazing start to this journey. Thank you for being a part of my team and contributing to help make this trip possible. I am beyond excited for what God has in store for this summer! 

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